Sunday, February 22, 2009

Please Tell Me They Are Wrong

I certainly hope this statistic was just thrown out there with no validity to it. Did anyone else hear this on the Today show? "50% of Americans do not read even one book a year".

Wow. I can't believe that many people don't know how wonderful it feels at the end of the day, to be under the covers, with NO TV on, maybe something naughty on the nightstand (no, not that, I mean some chocolate), with a book just waiting for you to pick it up. Everything else is put aside (laundry, bills, dishes, homework), and it is finally time for just you and your story. It is funny that no matter how tired I am, I can just spring to life after a few pages. Not always, but pretty often. Oh man, is that my hope for the 50% of Americans...that they find just once in their life, that moment in their day.

Enough of that. Has anyone read Alice Sebold's, The Almost Moon? She is most known for her book, The Lovely Bones. I just finished The Almost Moon and just wondered what anyone else thought of it.


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